Father of an Inmate
Bexar County, San Antonio, Texas
The child of this father has suffered from being denied the essential medication that he was taking for years prior to his incarceration.
My son has been diagnosed with major depression and bipolar disorder. He has been held in pretrial for almost four months. So far he hasn’t received any treatment. I asked his doctor to put him back on medication, but they said that they won’t work if they’re on medication because it makes them sleepy. He never heard back and they haven’t distributed his meds.
The areas where inmates are bunked together are not monitored and assaults happen. Even when guards see fighting, sometimes they let it go on for a couple of minutes before they do anything.
Hygiene items aren't provided adequately. Sometimes, there’s not even toilet paper available. so one had to look for paper.
Our son's being in jail has really impacted us emotionally and he’s lost his job while being held in jail. The help he needs for rehabilitation like counseling or social skills programs weren’t provided. He deals with drug addiction and there wasn’t anything offered like a 12-step program or counseling to help with rehabilitation.